I've taken the little pill they prescribed so I should be relaxed now. I lay my head back in the dentist chair and listen to the footsteps patter behind me as I try to focus on the light classical music being pumped into the sterile white room. The assistant comes in and slips on my face a pair of sunglasses that looks like something Elton John would have worn in the 70's, she covers my hair with a piece of plastic that resembles something between what a food worker would wear and a shower cap. To top off my morning attire, I am draped with a polka dot cloth from head to toe. I'm singing to myself... "I'm sexy and I know it". The nurse swabs my mouth from top to bottom with some numbing cream, hooks me up to a heart, oxygen and blood pressure monitor and says "the Doc will be in here soon".
A few minutes later I hear "hey man, glad you made it. Are you ready to do some work on those gums of yours". There were a few things I needed to talk with him about before we got started. I opened my mouth and all that came out was "blaa blaallsl shahsa;ljas aoooooaalo" He and the nurse laughed. "Looks like the numbing cream is working. Let's get some novocain in you and then we'll follow that up with a little sedative IV drip, so open wide. Say AHH" I felt the first prick of the needle in my mouth, but didn't feel any of the 12 others. I felt the IV go in and then the Doc looked over at the assistant and said, "this music has got to go. " He looked down at me and said " How about a little classic Rock?" By this time the only thing that I could make my body do was to pull my hand out from under the gown and give a big thumbs up. "Right on" he says and then I drift away to Led Zeppelin singing "Whole Lotta Love". I hear him say "Open wide for me" and I would try to come back to the room and be semi conscious every time he would say something like that, but for the most part I just closed my eyes and took a wonderful journey during my operation.
Somehow during the journey I landed on a little island where all I could hear was my breath coming in and going out. It was so soothing. Just the rhythm of my air and the steady beat of my heart. I smiled knowing that these two simple sounds are the core to my existence. I laid there for what seemed to be days and finally I stood and said to myself "This is where I must start from. I must be the change. It's a new day". I walked into the water and as it encircled my neck, my feet began to float and I started to swim. "Open your mouth a little wider for me David" I heard in the distance, but I kept swimming. One inhale, one exhale, one stroke, one kick at a time. Nothing but me, the ripples of water flanking off my body and the words "it's a new day" going over and over in my mind and finally my toes touch sand. I felt my body being lifted up and as my eyes slowly opened I could see the doctor smiling. " Everything looks great. I'll see you back in about a week....". I tried to interrupt him and tell him about my "out of body adventure" and all I could get out was "blaa blaallsl shahsa;ljas aoooooaalo" He and the nurse get a good chuckle and he walks out of the room saying " don't worry, that will wear off soon." He steps back in a few moments later " Oh, you may have some pain for a few days while you recover so I'll write you up a little prescription." I smile and think to myself " HEL-LO Island.... I'll be back soon".
lol..I've had a few of those in the Dentist's chair. Super special private moments leave me with peace and smiles.